I've decided I really don't anticipate anyone will actually read my blog. It will be more of a time for me to perhaps vent and talk about random things going on in my life. OH THE FUN IT WILL BE! I promise! If you are a lucky one and decide to actually read it, I guarantee I will at least make you giggle a little bit!
So back to the story of my life!
I truly didn't mind being single throughout college, it never really bothered me. The only time I grow tired of hearing about it was was during family functions.
Side note- I am not one of those girls that brings random guys home for holidays. If he is "the one" then he will have the opportunity to meet my family and come to different family activities. I don't really don't think it's appropriate for families to meet significant others unless it really is serious.
I made this mistake when I was 18 and dating Jeff. My mother loved him, I didn't. I invited him to come to a family gathering and that turned into a HUGE HUGE mistake. I have family members on my mothers side of the family that still as me about this boyfriend and it was almost 10 years ago. He was the most obnoxious man I've ever met. Let's just leave it at that. So... No guys to family functions unless the are close to putting a ring on it!
Back to my moms family. At my age my mother had 2 children, was divorced. I was 7 and my sister was 9. Needless to say, I have been feeling a bit behind for the last 4 years. Whenever there is a family occasion on my mothers side the first question they ask me about is whether or not I am seeing someone. And then I hear the, "oh but you are so pretty, I just don't understand". It's my choice. I could have a boyfriend. I didn't want anything serious while I was college so I really didn't make much of an effort. I had fun. Lots of fun.
As I spoke about in my first entry, one of the reasons why I was going to college was to meet a husband. As much as I really wanted it to happen, I can't say I really put in the effort or dated a "quality" man while I was there. My goal was to be married and have at least one baby on the way by 25. I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I recall in one of my classes we were discussing gender roles in the home. I completely agree with traditional gender roles and when I have children, if our financial situation allows for it, I will stay at home.
As we discussed this in class, we raised our hands for different situations that we felt strongly about in our "future" homes. One of the statements I felt strongly about was if my husband was the primary bread winner and came home from work to a baby who needed to be changed. Would we as women expect our men to help out. I for one would not. If I was an at home mother, that is my job. He works all day and should be able to relax. If he'd like to help that would be great but I would not nag on him to do something I certainly don't mind doing. I know this sounds very "old school" but it's something I believe in.
Many people are surprised by my believes because I am now considered an independent woman these days. I don't have kids, and I am certainly not even close to that point in my life yet.
I think one of the reasons why I feel this way about traditional gender roles is because my life was completely different when I was growing up. My mom worked as well as my dad. My mom really didn't show much interest in events in our lives. I was always told that you can always change the way you would like to raise your children if you don't like the way you were raised.
Thats my plan!
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